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Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Playstation 5

RM129.90 RM168.90 Save RM39.00

Tactics Ogre: Reborn - PS5 皇家騎士團 2:重生

Tactics Ogre: Reborn - PS5. Tactics Ogre, crown jewel of the tactical role-playing genre, is reborn! Based on the 2010 release, the game features improved graphics and sound, as well as updated game design, bringing to life a new Tactics Ogre that remains true to its roots.

Tactics Ogre veterans will experience a game that surpasses their fondest memories, while players new to Tactics Ogre will discover a game unlike any they've ever played. Reborn and deeper than ever, the game enables players to immerse themselves in the world and intrigue of Tactics Ogre like never before.

Game Overview
The Valerian Isles, jewels of the Obero Sea. Long a center of naval commerce, the people of the isles struggled throughout history for dominion over her shores. Finally there rose a man to put an end to this conflict: Dorgalua Oberyth. But history would know him as the "Dynast-King."

King Dorgalua strove to stamp out the hatred among the people of the isles, and for fully half a century, Valeria knew prosperity. Yet upon the king's death, civil war erupted anew as three factions vied for control: the Bakram, who comprised much of Valeria's nobility; the Galgastani, whose people made up the majority of the isles' population; and the Walister, who numbered but few.

Game Features

• Your choices affect how the story unfolds

• Fight pitched tactical battles on three-dimensional battlefields

• The class-wide level management system used in Tactics Ogre (2010) has changed to a unit-by-unit level system

• Enjoy numerous playability improvements, such as a quicker pace of battle, auto save, and a complete overhaul to the controls and UI to make it easier to get into the game than ever

• The unparalleled details of the characters and backgrounds from the original Tactics Ogre (1995) have been recreated in high definition, while the detailed pixel art that gives the game its unique feel has been preserved and enhanced

皇家騎士團 2:重生

位於奧佩羅海的瓦瑞利亞島 —— 這座島自古作為海洋貿易的中轉站而繁榮,但各個民族卻為了搶奪霸權爭戰不休。有個男人替這場漫長的戰爭劃下了句點。他就是往後人稱霸王的杜迦盧亞。杜迦盧亞王努力消解民族間的對立,他的統治為瓦瑞利亞帶來了長達半世紀的繁榮。


戰略模擬角色扮演遊戲的不滅經典《皇家騎士團 2》達成更進一步的進化,重獲新生!以《皇家騎士團 2》(2010)為基礎,不僅強化了畫面和音樂,更將原先的遊戲設計經過一番重新雕琢,以與時俱進的全新面貌重新問世。

Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Playstation 5 Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Playstation 5 Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Playstation 5 Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Playstation 5 Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Playstation 5