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Star Ocean The Divine Force - Playstation 4

From RM79.90 RM129.90 Save RM50.00

Star Ocean The Divine Force - PS4 星海游俠6: 神授之力

Star Ocean The Divine Force - PS4. Square Enix and Tri-Ace present the latest title in the Star Ocean series. The Divine Force offers two heroes to choose from. Play as Raymond, a hothead from a futuristic planet searching for his lost crew. Or as Laeticia, whose kingdom on an underdeveloped planet faces ruin at the hands of a terrible threat. The events of the story will unfold from a unique perspective depending on whom you choose.

Game Features

Once you have raised your Partner Kaiju, it’s time to enter them in a tournament and battle powerful rivals!

Flu around areas freely
In Star Ocean The Divine Force, characters can freely move in 360° degrees and roam the skies.

Move and explore freely in three dimensions: everything you see can be explored!
You can move in three dimensions whilst flying around the largest environment ever. Whether you’re flying around and exploring rockfaces and roofs of buildings in the city, or leaping off cliffs.

The fastest and strongest action of any in any series
While the game will give you space to play as you, please, the scope of its battles has also evolved.

星海游俠6: 神授之力

「銀河聯邦」—— 該組織起源於太陽系,一直維護著銀河系人民的安寧與和平,隨著時間的推移也不斷著擴大版圖,而每一次,無數英雄都以「聯邦」的名義,拯救眾多星球於危難之中。然而,時值宇宙曆 583 年。龐大化的銀河聯邦有時甚至連無意加盟的星球都一同吞噬,伸張「正義」的雙手眼看就要染上黑暗。

一艘運輸艦從未加盟銀河聯邦的先進行星貝格亞爾德出發,雷蒙德・勞倫斯正是這艘艦的艦長。他在熟悉的航路上執行貨運任務時,遭到了阿斯特利亞戰艦的襲擊,而這艘戰艦上乘坐著銀河聯邦中的名門「肯尼家族」。於是雷蒙德和艦員庫洛艾只能緊急迫降至未開發行星阿斯塔 4 號星。

然而,就在著陸前,緊急避難艙因來自地表的 EMP 攻擊而墜毀。他在這顆陌生的星球上與夥伴失散了。雷蒙德因致命的攻擊而墜落,並被原生生物襲擊,救下他的則是奧希迪亞斯王國的第一公主,蕾緹希雅・奧希迪亞斯。

蕾緹希雅為拯救受到鄰國拜爾帝國威脅的祖國,向乘坐著劃過天際的流星出現的雷蒙德尋求幫助,雷蒙德接受了請求,並要求公主協助自己尋找庫洛艾當成交換條件。然而,就在雷蒙德於阿斯塔 4 號星尋找庫洛艾以及對抗拜爾帝國的方法時,再次發現銀河聯邦正在暗處伺機而動。


Star Ocean The Divine Force - PS4