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SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - Nintendo Switch

From RM129.90
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SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - NS 海绵宝宝宇宙摇摆

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - Wish-granting Mermaid’s Tears in the hands of SpongeBob and Patrick… What could possibly go wrong?
Sure, the very fabric holding the very universe very together could come very undone, opening up portals into Wishworlds full of knights, cowboys, pirates, and prehistoric snails.
But that’s nothing everyone’s favorite sponge can’t handle - with the right cosmic costume! Everybody do the Cosmic Shake!

Game Features

• Unlock classic and new platforming skills like the Fishhook Swing and Karate Kick

• Don more than 30 F.U.N.tastic costumes like SnailBob and SpongeGar

• Travel to 7 distinct Wishworlds like Wild West Jellyfish Fields and Halloween Rock Bottom

• Experience all the buddy movie banter with SpongeBob’s permanent companion Balloon-Patrick

• Meet all your favorite Bikini Bottomites from the series, voiced by their original actors

• Enjoy the in-game soundtrack featuring 101 songs from the series, including Sweet Victory


当能让愿望成真的美人鱼眼泪落入了海绵宝宝和派大星的手里……这应该不会出什么事吧?当然,这种将不同次元联系在一起的组合可能看上去并不怎么靠谱,而且还会为您打开各种传送门,使您得以进入充满骑士、牛仔、海盗以及史前蜗牛的世界。但受到万千宠爱的海绵宝宝可没有完成不了的任务——只要穿上合适的宇宙服饰不就行啦!到时候每个人都能来段 Cosmic Shake!


• 解锁经典以及全新的平台技能,包括鱼钩摇摆以及空手道踢

• 穿上超过 30 种精彩有趣的服饰,比如蜗牛宝宝和海绵哥

• 前往 7 个与众不同的许愿世界,包括狂野西部水母田以及万圣节石滩

• 体验全部的伙伴电影,和海绵宝宝的永久伙伴气球派大星一起嬉笑打闹

• 还有那些来自剧集中比基尼海滩的朋友们,他们的配音可都是由原版演员完成的喔。

• 畅享游戏内的原声配乐,包含来自剧集当中的 101 首歌曲,其中就包含那首《Sweet Victory》

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - Nintendo Switch SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - Nintendo Switch SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - Nintendo Switch SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - Nintendo Switch SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - Nintendo Switch SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake - Nintendo Switch