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Judgement: Judge Eyes Remastered - Playstation 5

From RM58.90 RM129.90 Save RM71.00

Judgement: Judge Eyes Remastered - PS5 審判之眼:死神的遺言

Experience visceral combat with Judgement: Judge Eyes Remastered - PS5, with two unique combat styles. Take down groups of thugs with sweeping blows in Crane Style, then switch to Tiger to overwhelm a single foe with a series of powerful strikes. 

Game Overview

A lawyer pulls off a miracle, only to have the verdict cost him everything. Now, as a string of murders casts a shroud over the city and the law begins to fail, justice cannot afford to be blind.

The son of a murdered lawyer, Takayuki Yagami was raised on the streets of Kamurocho by a yakuza patriarch who paves the way for Yagami to follow in his real father's footsteps. Taking a job at the Genda Law Office, Yagami accepts a high-profile case: Proving Shinpei Okubo, a man suspected of murder, innocent.

Against all odds, Yagami succeeds and is hailed as a hero, but his prolific career is short-lived. Only months later, Okubo brutally murders his girlfriend, stabbing her over ten times with a kitchen knife before setting their apartment on fire.

Yagami becomes the lawyer who let a murderer walk - and everything he had worked for comes crashing down.

Three years later, Yagami has taken off his lawyer's badge to run a small detective agency in the red-light district of Kamurocho, scraping by on odd jobs and evidence collection.

But even a city as seedy as this is shaken by a string of serial murders, where the victims' bodies are discovered with their eyes gouged out. Yagami is drawn into the case by his old law firm, where he discovers that in order to bring this killer to light, he must seek the truth that slipped from his grasp three years ago. But can a man haunted by his failures prevail over his own past?


本作是一部正統的法庭劇動作遊戲, 主角八神隆之將以現代東京為舞台追查連續獵奇殺人的謎團。 而飾演他的正是日本知名演員 / 藝人木村拓哉。 此外,圍繞著主角的主要人物的演出陣容, 也集結了谷原章介、滝藤賢一、中尾彬這些實力派演員。 搖滾樂團 [ALEXANDROS] 也為本作創作了主題曲, 令遊戲更添色彩。


備受世界讚譽的法庭劇巨作將以優惠價格登場! 針對最新硬體進一步強化的高解析度精美遊戲畫面、 提升至60fsp(每秒60張)帶來的順暢遊戲體驗, 以及操作反應極佳、熱血激昂的動作戰鬥。 同時也追加海外版的英文語音, 以全球版規格於最新硬體上登場! 此外, 也將首度收錄簡體中文字幕!

Judgement: Judge Eyes Remastered - Playstation 5 Judgement: Judge Eyes Remastered - Playstation 5 Judgement: Judge Eyes Remastered - Playstation 5 Judgement: Judge Eyes Remastered - Playstation 5 Judgement: Judge Eyes Remastered - Playstation 5