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Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed - Playstation 5

RM109.90 RM148.90 Save RM39.00

Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed - PS5 毁灭全人类! 2: 从头再探

Game Overview
In Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed, Crypto is back with a license to probe. The alien invader returns, groovier than ever. Experience the swinging ‘60s in all its chemical-induced glory and take revenge on the KGB for blowing up your mothership. You’ll have to form alliances with members of the very species you came to enslave.

Game Features
• Show those hippies who’s boss using classic weapons and new technology like the Meteor Shower in Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed
• In Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed, explore 1960’s Mother Earth and unload your trusty saucer all over her fictional cities
• Defend a much larger, much more open world from those who seek to undermine your mission
• Hoover up humans from different countries and grind them up into DNA cocktails to upgrade your skills
• Invite a friend over for a twosome and enjoy the full story in local 2-player split screen co-op

Remake Features
• The most funkadelic version of the comedy classic ever created
• Rebuilt from scratch in Unreal Engine 4 by the makers of Destroy All Humans! (2020)
• All Crypto skins from the first game and more
• Change paint jobs on your flying saucer

毁灭全人类! 2: 从头再探

《毁灭全人类! 2: 从头再探》是一款冒险类动作游戏,隐藏者带着探测许可回来了。外星入侵者回来了,比以往更时髦。感受摇摆的60年代那由化学物质引发的荣耀,向炸毁了你的母舰的克格勃进行报复。你将不得不与你想要奴役的物种的成员结盟。

• 使用经典武器和新技术,如流星雨,让那些嬉皮士知道谁是老大。
• 探索1960年的地球,在她虚构的城市中卸下你可靠的飞碟
• 捍卫一个更大、更开放的世界,防止那些试图破坏你的任务的人。
• 从不同的国家收集人类,把他们磨成DNA鸡尾酒,以升级你的技能。
• 邀请朋友来一起玩,在本地2人分屏合作中享受完整的故事。

Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed - Playstation 5 Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed - Playstation 5 Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed - Playstation 5 Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed - Playstation 5 Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed - Playstation 5 Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed - Playstation 5