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Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi - Nintendo Switch

From RM139.90 RM188.90 Save RM49.00
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《蜡笔小新 我与博士的暑假~无尽的七日之旅~》于2021年7月发售,累计销量超过30万。官方表示由于海外玩家的热情和要求,决定开发支持亚洲各地语言的实体版和下载版。在亚洲版中,各语言的配音由当地《蜡笔小新》动画版的声优负责,游戏的部分设计也加入了本地化要素进行了调整。 - 這次遊戲的主題聚焦在蠟筆小新一家配合爸爸廣志出差到九州,借住媽媽美冴的老朋友家,在熊本縣的小鎮阿酥(アッソー )度過不平凡的一個禮拜。不但在出發前遇上一位奇怪的惡野博士,從他的手上拿到了一個神秘的照相機,還在阿酥小鎮交到了一群長得跟幼稚園同學十分相像的朋友。有一天晚上,更離奇的出現了一隻巨大生物,旁邊卻站著才剛在熊本車站遇見的惡野博士。玩家將會以小新的第一視角闖關,利用他手上的神秘照相機,紀錄這奇怪的七天。

Crayon Shin-chan

Join Crayon Shin-chan and his family on a 7-day summer vacation in Kyushu. Before the start of your adventure, you’ll receive a strange camera from an Evil Professor that serves as your daily companion in recording all of your discoveries and moments during your venture. Enjoy doing other stuff like catching various insects and fishes to fill up your wildlife journal. So, be sure to get your camera and bug-catching net ready as you explore the wonderful land of Kyushu.

However, things get a little bit tricky upon realizing that your friends in Kyushu look exactly the same as your friends’ way back home. Plus, things get even darker upon your encounter with a giant creature and a strange man.

What kind of experience awaits you in Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi – Owaranai Nanokakan no Tabi?

Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi 中文版  - Nintendo Switch Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi  - Nintendo Switch Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi  - Nintendo Switch Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi  - Nintendo Switch Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi  - Nintendo Switch Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi  - Nintendo Switch Crayon Shin-chan: Ora to Hakase no Natsuyasumi  - Nintendo Switch